The study of partition functions and related topics is an active area of research that is at the intersection of combinatorics, probability, theoretical computer science, and statistical physics. Partition functions, such as those of the Potts model, the hardcore model (also known as the independence polynomial), and other spin systems, serve as fundamental tools in understanding phase transitions, random structures, and computational complexity. Central questions in this field include: How does graph structure influence the efficient computation of partition functions? Which graphs maximize or minimize these functions? How do partition functions behave on random graphs? Recent work has highlighted deep connections between phase transitions in statistical physics and the computational aspects of these problems. This workshop aims to bring together researchers from diverse backgrounds to explore these questions, share insights, and foster collaboration on the latest advances in partition functions, graph theory, and related areas.
Date and Venue
March 27-28, 2025
The workshop will take place at CWI Amsterdam, Science Park 123, 1098 XG Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Directions to the venue can be found here.
The program will be announced closer to the workshop date.
To register, please fill out the registration form. Registration is free.
Invited Speakers
- Konrad Anand
- Ágnes Backhausz
- Márton Borbényi
- Ewan Davies
- Leslie Goldberg
- Heng Guo
- Tyler Helmuth
- Mikhail Hlushchanka
- Kuikui Liu
- Noela Müller
- Marcus Pappik
- Viresh Patel
Directly before this wokshop, on March 25-26 in 2025, the Dutch Day of Combinatorics is held at TU Delft.
- Guus Regts, UvA Amsterdam
- Ferenc Bencs, CWI Amsterdam